I am a long-term fellow at Learning Planet Institute (formerly, CRI) - Université Paris Cité, and an associated researcher at LSPC - ENS PSL.
I am leading the "Teachers as Researchers" programme (https://profschercheurs.org), a citizen science project aiming at engaging a large number of educators to produce concrete, rich and contextualised practice-based evidence that is trustworthy, published in an openly accessible database, and organised in a way that allows practitioners to query it, find relevant work, compare the evidence, and identify what practice could better work for them.
The "Teachers as Researchers" programme trains volunteer educators to create communities and to facilitate regular workshops in which community members follow a methodology designed to motivate collaboration and reflection about their practices while at the same time producing structured records of practice-based evidence. The work of communities is undertaken in a collaborative publication platform to promote wide collaboration across communities and to feed a shared and public database of practice-based evidence (https://plateforme.profschercheurs.org).