gabriel allegret
In a realm where knowledge gleams, There's a boy, vibrant in his dreams, With an ardor for learning, his heart unfurled, A young and dynamic mind in this wondrous world. With every page turned and every idea pursued, He delves into sciences, forever imbued, Curiosity his compass, he explores the unknown, Seeking wisdom's gems, his thirst cannot be postponed.
gabriel's Bio

My past experiences :

  • One year in LaPsyDé (Laboratoire de psychologie de l'éducation et du développement de l'enfant / Laboratory of Educational Psychology and Child Development)
  • one year as a "chargé de mission" in the Académie of Versailles
  • one semester at the IPP (incubateur des politiques publiques de SciencesPo / Incubator of public policies of SciencesPo Paris)
  • two years at Ecolhuma (in charge of scientific communication and advocacy)
  • several experiences in various educational contexts (Montessori school, democratic school, etc.)

My passions are

  • swimming (especially in cold water)
  • planning future travels (that I will probably not do)
  • playing go (mostly against the computer, come at me if you are curious and I will explain you)
  • clarify my thoughts in bullet points ;-)